“A couple of decades ago I contracted Lyme disease which landed me in bed for the first 8 months and subsequently seeing doctor after doctor after doctor. I don’t know if there was an antibiotic we did not try, many making me sicker than the last. If you are reading this you probably know what a miserable and debilitating disease this is along with it’s often many co-infections.
Then last year I discovered the dreaded bulls eye rash on my leg and began to panic. But fortunately by then I had heard about LymeplexPLUS and began to use it. I was lucky in that I experienced very little to no herxing this time around and cleared the nasty bugs in a matter of months. I now use a bit of it at the first sign of cold or flu and within a day or two I am well again. I use it before getting on a plane and am currently using it to help with inflammation from a broken foot. I am eternally grateful for having this product in my life.”
“Four years of extreme treatments later for lyme disease, babesia, bartonella and erhlichiosis, and a lot of prayers, I did a course of LymeplexPLUS. A friend of mine asked, how do you know it’s working? I told her that for the first time in years I feel good, actually good, like myself again. And I’d forgotten what that felt like. My body felt so good that I caught myself laughing. I’d forgotten how. Now i was laughing all day at nothing at all. It felt so good to feel good again after years of extreme pain. I think my body, and thus I, was just happy to feel good again and back to normal. This product has been a godsend. Thank you!”
“I’ve been using LymeplexPLUS for Lyme disease. I also had terrible migrating pain in my back and in 4 months, it went from migrating to being focused just on one side of my back pinpointed and now the pain is gone!!I also use the nose spray. It is very effective for allergies. We just went through a spring with heavy pollen. The spray is also excellent for headaches of any kind, sinus headaches that years ago I used to take Excedrin for. I also had some foot fungus on one foot around the side of my heal on one foot, gone, with no more flare-ups. LymeplexPLUS is a great product.”-Janice O., Rhode Island, U.S.A.
“Good morning Dr. Gertler, I wanted to let you know that after completing 12 weeks on LymeplexPLUS, I feel terrific. I hired a personal trainer and I’m now working out regularly building muscle mass for the first time in my life. Professionally I am in a better frame of mind making more face-to-face prospecting sales calls than ever before.”
“In my practice I work with over thirty companies and carry a couple hundred supplements. There is one that stands out above all and that is LymeplexPLUS. I offer this serum as a nasal spray, eye drops and 8oz bottles for all types of infections, biofilms, autoimmune diseases and for pain. My patients are blown away by the radical healing that has happened in their bodies. Personally I tried every supplement on the market, high end technology, even medical intuitive to resolve 20 years of debilitating sinus headaches. LymeplexPLUS was the solution that ended this misery. I am grateful and feel this product must get out to the Lyme, Autism and Autoimmune population to help resolve these deeply challenging health issues that affect millions.”
-Dr. Robyn Benson, Santa Fe, NM
“I am 36 years old. I have suffered with many symptoms of Lyme disease since being diagnosed 10 years ago. Most recently chronic fatigue, fever, chills, sweaty spells, dizziness, and insomnia are typical. Antibiotic treatment achieved limited relief after testing positive multiple times. My Lyme symptoms have seriously compromised my ability at work and worse, in my daily life. Even with 10 hours of sleep each night I felt fatigued all day. I was always so active at my job, enjoyed hobbies and loved my family life. Lyme took away my ability to properly participate. I started taking LymeplexPLUS immediately upon becoming aware of it via a relative. I am very pleased with the results as my symptoms have lessened dramatically. I feel like a new man. I grow more excited with the results each day as my life is returned to me. Thank you LymeplexPLUS for helping me get my life back!”
“My name is Diana. I am 49 years old. I have been a Lyme sufferer for 9 years and recently (unknowingly) became infected for a third time. I have now been diagnosed as having contracted Lyme and Babesiosis along with some other tick borne diseases. I had been suffering significant Lyme disease symptoms, along with “air hunger”, for at least 18 months. Within a few days of beginning treatment with LymeplexPLUS I began to notice a slight improvement in my symptoms. Within a couple of weeks the air hunger was gone and my joint pain had subsided. I have also noticed that I have more energy, and more flexibility when exercising. Just a bottle and a half (12oz) of treatment with LymeplexPLUS and my health is restored to 95%. I plan to regain 100% of my health by finishing the treatment and becoming symptom-free.
Thank you, Dr. Gertler!!!! I’m working hard to get better. Thank you SO, SO much!!!!!!”
“Overwhelmed with family responsibilities I decided to learn about Lyme Disease on a need to know basis. Big mistake. I knew nothing about co-infections, nor did I know that all these diseases if left untreated are deadly.
My primary care doctor blew off a recurring pain in my brain until I demanded further testing after my Lyme Disease test came back negative, as it had four times before in previous years. So he referred me to an Integrative Doctor who clinically diagnosed me (by symptoms only) with Lyme Disease. Unfortunately by the time I was fully diagnosed, with Lyme and three co-infections, it was almost too late. I was headed for death. Breathing was very difficult, I was hallucinating, an intermittent humming noise was coming from my heart and my body wiggled, twitched and itched with the movements of these bacterial parasites inside of me, to name only a few of my symptoms.
After enduring many years of extreme pain and four years of extreme medical treatments I began to feel healthier by small increments. Then I started using LymePlexPlus. It sped my healing process up and moved me into a whole new dimension of actually feeling good, like myself again, for the first time in many years. Symptoms disappeared seemingly overnight. My hands devastated with open wounds from eczema for years cleared completely on the second day I used LymePlexPlus. My strength, stamina, cognitive ability, motivation and verve have returned. I’m doing Pilates three times a week, after resting and sleeping most of the time for four years. And I’ve experienced no side effects other than happiness. I can now smile again; I had forgotten how. I’d completely forgotten what being healthy felt like. I catch myself laughing during the day, because it just feels so good to be alive and to feel good again.
No one needs to go through what I went through. Get informed about Lyme Disease and Co-Infections before you are bitten by a tick and have LymePlexPlus on hand if you get bitten. It you have already been bitten and are suffering start taking LymePlexPlus as soon as possible because it is the best help available. It could save your life.
This product has been a godsend for me. Thank you!”
“I just have to start here by saying, that it’s been so many years since I have felt this good! After I found out about my cousin and how much LymeplexPLUS had helped him, I must admit that I was still skeptical that it could help me in the way that it helped him so much. He had been diagnosed with Lyme, I hadn’t. But he swore by it so much, that I decided to give it a try. My grandpa and grandma were also doing good from taking it too. I figured, why not give it a try. I was diagnosed by my doctor with Celiac disease years ago and I knew that I also had arthritis already, because they had scraped it away during my surgery, and I am only 34 years old.
But once I received the LymeplexPLUS bottle and read the symptom’s that it helped? I realized that I had ALL of them! I guess that I was never even tested for Lyme disease and I’d been bitten by a lot of ticks many times over the years, as I have always hunted and fished a lot, here in Minnesota. Sometimes, I’d have to take off 20 of them at a time.
When I started taking it, it started to do what it said. My favorite thing about it is at about a week in it cleared up the “brain fog”. I can even sing/rap/whatever along with Eminem now! But for real, this stuff can and will help you or someone you know if they are suffering from any symptoms of Lyme’s disease.
Oh, and my tiredness and the nausea that I had a pretty much put up with every day, disappeared. Also, as the weeks went on, as I took this LymeplexPLUS; I also then realized that my wrist pain, from my wrist fusion surgery, was gone and so was the swelling and pain in my finger! I used to have one finger that hurt so bad when I would work that I could hardly stand it. Now it doesn’t bother me at all. I don’t usually talk about this to anybody but my fiancé, but if this could help somebody else with celiac or Lyme, I just have to say that I don’t get cramps and bloating anymore either. She even said that my snoring has stopped. I obviously owe my cousin a huge thank you.
This stuff is awesome.”
“This product did more than I ever thought a product could do. I have no tears, and after using this product for a long period of time, much to my relief! I used to have to wake up during the night to use moistening drops, but no more. The relief was noticeable within a week of using it. Gratefully, I no longer must continually put drops in my eyes. I also was able to get rid of conjunctivitis, which I get occasionally.”
“So, to me LymeplexPlus is a miracle medicine. When my friend, Jill told me about it I did not believe her. Her boyfriend Peter told her about it & she passed it on to me. I was thinking oh great another thing to try that promises results. Since I have tried zillions of remedies for the past 15 years that were promised to work but did not. So I intended on taking it for awhile & say, “see I told you it would not work.”
Yet just the opposite happened. After 6 weeks on this serum I was making my bed & did not have to lie down for an hour afterwards recuperating, like I have done for the past 15 years.Although my cognitive abilities haven’t fully returned to pre-Lyme…the improvement has been quite noticeable by others. Plus even though I have not been able to work for the past 15 years, I was told I should keep my RN license active.That I would be able to work again. This has given me such hope.
In the 18 weeks I have been on Lymeplex PLUS I feel like I am a completely different person for the better. I have more energy, my pain level has been decreased immensely & am able to drive comfortably on the freeway. I’m not in bed all the time like I used to be.
Please if you have Lyme disease or know anyone else with it share this website with them. Give this a try you will not be disappointed. I bet my life on it – that is how much I believe in this treatment!”
“There is the element of the miraculous somewhere embedded within this remedy.”
“February 2019 extreme pain in one knee again, some pain in other knee, hard to walk, cannot sleep at night, no position was comfortable, up most night tossing and turning, couldn’t go into a store by myself, getting out of the car and walking was so painful.
Today August 7, 2019-the pain is not as intense as it was before I started taking LPP. I sleep better at night finding comfortable positions, I can get up out of bed now without holding onto something or having to stand for 10 seconds before limping to the bathroom. I shop and go places by myself now. I try to do some leg exercises, stretching and soak in Epsom bath at least 5 times a week.”
“Lymeplexplus lifted 90% of my joint pain away immediately !! THANK YOU!!!”