Our key ingredient, LP²™, creates an environment in your body, that not only enhances and boosts the immune system, but it also empowers it to do what a healthy immune system was designed to do: The immune system protects the body from harmful influences in the environment, like a guard, and is vitally important for the body. It is made up of different organs, cells, and proteins. Aside from the nervous system, it is the most complex system in the human body. LP²™ is comprised of a variety of amino acids, peptides, enzymes, and proteins.
Amino Acid Profile
Following is a partial list of some the Amino Acids (one group of important components) verified as present in the LP²™ formulation: Alanine, Arginine, Aspartic Acid, Glutamic Acid, Histidine, Isoleucine, Lysine, Phenylalanine, Serine, Threonine, and Tyrosine.
While it would be technically accurate to refer to them as “ingredients”, we prefer to refer to them as “component parts” or “element parts” because none of the amino acids were added to our proprietary process. They were all produced within it. This is why the product is so unique. The actual number of different amines within the LP²™ product is far beyond that listed above. When asked why one couldn’t simply combine all of the listed amino acids into a mixing process and assume it to be equivalent, we will often provide our “apple analogy” as follows:
You see, you can only determine and isolate the “ingredients” (component/element parts) of an apple in a scientific laboratory up to the limits of the available technology. Upon determining all that we can appreciate regarding what an apple is comprised of, we still cannot take all of those “ingredients” and reproduce an apple exactly as nature does. Much would still be missing. An apple must be grown using a very complex process in order to get a true reproduction of the apple with all of its benefits intact. Even then, if conditions or resources are deficient or even slightly compromised it may fail to yield the desired result.
“Although a tree is common and familiar to all of us, how a tree grows, functions and its unique biology is not so familiar. The interrelationship of all a tree’s parts is very complex…” – Steve Nixs